
Ensure Financial Stability & Growth Potential
Cornerstone Financial was designed to guide my clients, helping to ensure both financial stability and growth potential through our broad array of financial services. At CornerStone, my financial strategy is different, both in philosophy as well as execution. I understand the overwhelming options available in the financial market can be confusing and often contradictory. That is why my number one objective is to help educate you so you can ultimately decide which direction is in your best interest.
The tariff-related questions that investors should be asking
“What should we do about tariffs?” It’s a question I’ve heard a lot lately, often with a note of fear in the voice of whoever is asking it. In this message, I want to answer that question. I also want to talk a little about fear, how we handle it…and how we can benefit from it.
Brief understanding of AI?
As you read financial headlines, or, if you’re really interested and read a lot of earnings reports, you will see the term AI used a lot. Why? And why is it such a game-changer?
Do you have any Financial Regrets?
As financial planning
is all about minimizing stress in your present and maximizing
confidence in your future, here are five common financial regrets to be aware of so you be sure to avoid them in the future. If you need help with any of these, remember that we are here!
The dust has settled, the votes have been counted
The dust has settled, the votes have been counted, and Donald Trump has once again been elected president of the United States. The dust has settled, the votes have been counted, and Donald Trump is once again president-elect of the United States. The...
Safeguarding Donations
Throughout the year, we all want to make a difference in the world. We are all looking for opportunities to donate to a great cause.
Black Tuesday – 95th Year Anniversary
You may not have realized it, but today marks 95 years since Black Tuesday—the day that sent the world into the economic turmoil of the Great Depression.
2024 Q3 Market Recap
It’s always great to start with the words, “The markets finished the quarter at an all-time high.” Fortunately, that’s the case this time around. The S&P 500 rose 2% in September, and 5.5% for the entire quarter. The Dow, meanwhile, gained 8.2% in Q3. Both indices set new records along the way.
Cybersecurity Free Credit Freeze
Recently, a background check company called National Public Data confirmed they had experienced a data breach earlier in the year. As a result, the personal information of millions of Americans had been compromised – including, in some cases, Social Security numbers.
The Only Bad Question is the One Left Unasked: Breaking Down Financial Jargon
There’s no shame in being unsure, confused, or just curious. The same applies to financial matters, so I’ll tackle questions many people are too afraid to ask in this blog post.
Removing Trees & Financial Planning
It takes experience and knowledge to know where and how to cut to avoid damage, it takes experience to know where to look for roots before pulling a stump out. It takes a professional.
Understanding Your Estate: Critical Elements of an Estate Planning Strategy
Establishing an estate planning strategy is crucial, yet many wait too long to put their wishes in writing. Use this helpful guide to review your estate strategy and start conversations with your loved ones, financial professionals, and legal team.
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