
Build a Comprehensive Estate Plan

Independent, legal professionals work hand-in-hand with daily, creating continuity within the estate plan so all involved are on the same page to best serve client goals and needs. We’ll work to build a unique and comprehensive estate plan, avoiding probate, qualifying clients to receive government-funded benefits, minimizing tax liabilities, and helping to ensure estates will be passed on to the intended beneficiaries. These professionals also specialize in drafting and implementing various legal documents designed to meet your specific needs or unique trust instruments designed to shield you from creditors and minimize taxes.

What happens online when I die?

Our online presence has become an integral part of our lives in the digital age. From email archives to social media profiles and various online accounts, we leave behind a substantial digital footprint.

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When Heirs are Imperfect

The money problems or bad lifestyle habits of adult children could lead to the squandering of any inheritance they receive.

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Understanding Your Estate: Critical Elements of an Estate Planning Strategy

Establishing an estate planning strategy is crucial, yet many wait too long to put their wishes in writing. Use this helpful guide to review your estate strategy and start conversations with your loved ones, financial professionals, and legal team.

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